We have two sets of Assessment Standards; the core and optional and it has been mentioned that the core assessment standard will be examined in papers 1 & 2 and the optional will be examined in paper 3 until 2010 (Grade 12). I have also learnt that the optional may be examined as the core in 2011 (Grade 12 NSC). Say that is the case, then the optional assessment standards should be introduced as the core in Grade 10 as from 2009, Grade 11 in 2010 and Grade 12 in 2011. I think it is about time that we start to familiarise ourselves, especially Grade 10 teachers, with the content covered by the optional assessment standards sooner, that is before the end of June 2008.
Gabs should be identified and workshops be conducted on the content/gabs before the implematation next year, if ever.