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ForumForumAssessment Stan...Assessment Stan...Assessment Stan...Assessment Stan...Using manipulatives, advantages and disadvantages.Using manipulatives, advantages and disadvantages.
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 10/20/2009 2:32 AM
 Modified By joanalanza  on 10/20/2009 2:35:50 AM

Using manipulatives specifically vitrtual manipulatives in the classroom setting will enhance the student's learning in math in addition the learners will be more interested in math. however there is still disadvantages of it. one of these is that not all virtual manipulatives will help the student's learning some can be source of disturbance and the student's would'nt pay an attention without it.

Ma. Joana Lanza
Manila, philippines

New Post
 10/22/2009 5:26 AM

I agree with the son becomes dependent in vrtual manipulatves. I think it is not necessary, becoz students learn more in an old school approach.

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ForumForumAssessment Stan...Assessment Stan...Assessment Stan...Assessment Stan...Using manipulatives, advantages and disadvantages.Using manipulatives, advantages and disadvantages.