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 3/27/2009 9:34 AM

Why do you think so many teachers are emigrating?

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 7/14/2009 10:24 PM

Emmigrating teachers, like nurses, they are looking for greener pastures. Look @ salary increaments in your ELRC document from then to ur current scale. It is not pleasing.

Let us be realistic, "teaching is a calling", right, but does that mean we must be poorly remunerated. Something which is a calling should be respected and means be taken to retain those called.

Just like every being, we have needs, families to feed, kids to educate and other financial commitments, but hey we don't deserve better remunerations.

Other educators they migrate due to unfriendly work environment they are in (schools). Poor teaching standards by some colleagues. Neglecting our responsibilities and other host of reasons.

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 7/20/2009 7:11 PM
I think there are thousands of reasons to immigrate. I myself could think of a few. People do not understand these reasons, before they have stood in front of a class or faced the problems we experience in the education system today. I find it demotivating that high standards for learning are created by teachers while these standards are contradicted by the lowering of pass rates for learners. I feel that the education system does not involve the key role players, we as teachers in their decisions. Secondly, you can't ignore the fact that the salaries in other countries are much better than here.  Thirdly I would say that the discipline problems in schools and well the limited options to teacher to address these problems is what makes our future in the South African Education system questionable.
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 7/27/2009 4:04 PM

I think the main reason why teacher are emigrating is because of the discipline in the South African schools.  Learners don't want to listen to teacher anymore. In the overseas schools the learners have respect for the teachers and another thing i think is a reason is maybe the salary is better.



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