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 3/28/2008 2:20 PM

What discipline do you prefer... History, Political Studies, Human Rights, Geography, Environmental Studies, and tend to teach best? I'm a geography teacher who has learnt to love environmental studies but still cant get my head around Political Studies...

How do you prepare for those sections of the Learning Area when you have not recieved formal training???

 Please reply and let us know.Hmm


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 3/31/2008 1:29 PM

Interesting concept that GET Social Science teachers actually have a preference. I actually work in a high school (Grades 8 and 9) where we definetly do have preferences based on our previous training. We are either previously History or Geography practitoners.


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 7/24/2008 10:22 AM

You are right, The preference is not comming from the structure of learning area but from the givens of previous training of the teacher as experienced by yourself. "Proper" trained GET teachers (beyond 2000) will have a better balance and insight between the two disciplines. I am interested to know, amongst GET teachers what the skills distribution is between history and geography.  

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 9/25/2008 8:08 AM

i am a student in teaching social sciences but for me i prefer teaching (in the future) political science and history because i enjoy reading/studying the lives of the people who make difference in our society. if the students will know the stories of these people they can be motivated because of their stories and how they make a difference in our society.

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