Support Learning Space

  Inclusive Education  
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Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

AAC strategies describe the way people supplement their communication when they cannot speak clearly enough to be understood by those around them. These strategies include a wide range of communication methods ranging from gestures and communication boards to assistive communication devices.


Barriers to learning

Refer to difficulties that arise within the education system as a whole, the learning site and/or within the learner him/herself which prevent access to learning and development for learners. 


District Based Support Teams (DBST)

Groups of departmental employees whose job it is to promote inclusive education through training, curriculum delivery, distribution of resources, identifying and addressing barriers to learning, leadership and general management.


Full-Service Schools (FSS)

Ordinary schools which are specially equipped to address a full range of barriers to learning in an inclusive education setting.


Institution Level Support Teams (ILSTs)

Teams established by institutions in general, further and higher education, as an institution-level support mechanism whose primary function is to put in place co-ordinated school, learner and educator support services.


Individual Support Plan

A plan designed for learners who need additional support or expanded opportunities, developed by teachers in consultation with the parents and the Institution-level Support Team.


Level of support needs

Scope and intensity of support needed at a system, school, educator and learner level. The main organiser for schools, funding and post provisioning in the inclusive education system.   


Special Schools (SSs)

Schools equipped to deliver education to learners requiring high-intensive educational and other support either on a full-time or a part-time basis.


Special Schools/Resource Centres (SpS/RCs)

Special schools transformed to accommodate learners who have high intensity support needs, as well as provide a range of support services to ordinary and full-service schools.