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ForumForumGeneralGeneralGeneralGeneralExclusion/placement of learners with multiple/profound learning, physical barriers in relevant schools. Exclusion/placement of learners with multiple/profound learning, physical barriers in relevant schools.
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 1/26/2009 12:43 AM

Parents are still struggling with getting correct placement for their children in the relevant special schools. Reasons that are often given by schools are e.g. if a child is in the North West Province and the school is in Gauteng it is difficult for the child to be admitted because of the provincial budget issues, even if North West does not have the type of school that can be appropriate for the child. Another example is when language is used to exclude a child.We end up with number of children still at home because they cannot accommodated in schools.

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 12/1/2009 9:27 PM

Special schools must accommodate all learners with high and very high support needs. Currently too many children with moderate support needs who could have been included in mainstream schools are admitted to special schools. The National Strategy on Screening, Identification, Assessment and Support (2008) aims at introducing new procedures and criteria for who are eligible for admission to a special school. Provincial Departments of Education have the responsibility to manage and monitor admissions to special schools. In terms of the South African Schools Act (Act 84 of 1996) no learner may be refused without permission of the provincial Head of Department. Parents have a right to appeal. See also Chapter 5 of the Guidelines to Ensure Quality Education and Support in Special Schools and Special School Resource Centres (2007)

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ForumForumGeneralGeneralGeneralGeneralExclusion/placement of learners with multiple/profound learning, physical barriers in relevant schools. Exclusion/placement of learners with multiple/profound learning, physical barriers in relevant schools.


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