I am always looking for good online resources for mathematics and one way for me to share what I find is by using my del.ici.us bookmarks to keep track of everything I find useful. Del.icio.us is a social bookmarking system that you can access online and what is even more useful is that you can form a network with people who have the same interests as you ( eg other mathematics teachers) and track what they are bookmarking as well. For a more detailed explanation about how social bookmarking works, please see my school 2.0 blog SpringWidgets Maggie\'s Maths feeds This widget will hold all my maths feeds that I would liek to keep track of as well as my bookmarks tagged with the keyword "mathematics" Get this widget! Read More »
I am always looking for good online resources for mathematics and one way for me to share what I find is by using my del.ici.us bookmarks to keep track of everything I find useful. Del.icio.us is a social bookmarking system that you can access online and what is even more useful is that you can form a network with people who have the same interests as you ( eg other mathematics teachers) and track what they are bookmarking as well.
For a more detailed explanation about how social bookmarking works, please see my school 2.0 blog
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