Create a Lesson Plan - Step 1 of 6
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Step1: General Information
Step2: Outcomes and Assessment Standards
Step3: Lesson Content
Step4: Lesson Activities
Step5: Assessment Strategy
Step6: Finish
Educator's / Author's Name
Please enter your name if you are creating / editing the document, or the author's name if you are not the author.
Lesson Plan Name
Now enter a name for your lesson plan in the box below.
Now enter some key words (tags) that will be used when other users search for resources. You may enter as many keywords (or phrases) as you like, but each word or phrase must be separated by a comma(,).
Grade / Learning Level
Please select the relevant Grade.
Subject / Learning Area
Please select the relevant Subject / Learning Area.
Please select the relevant Topic.
Sub Topic
Please select the relevant Sub Topic.
Please enter the theme of the lesson plan.
Please select the relevant Language.
Describe briefly what the plan is to cover and what group of learners. This will aid other teachers adapt the lesson plan to their needs.
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