1. Azette Engelbrecht, Hanlie Swanepoel, Mirna Nel, Anna Hugo (2013) Embracing Diversity through Multi-level Teaching (For Foundation, Intermediate and Senior Phase). Cape Town, Juta
2. Juan Bornman and Jill Rose (2010) Believe that all can achieve: Increasing classroom participation in learners with special support needs. Van Schaik
3. Anbanithi Muthukrishna (ed.) (2008) Educating for Social Justice and Inclusion: Pathways and Transitions. Nova Publishers.
Book Description:
This new and important book moves away from a special education course, reflecting a broad consideration of social justice and inclusion that encompasses a variety of concerns about the lived experience of domination, oppression and injustice, and seeks to understand the complex intersections of a number of often overlapping categories of social identity and conflict, including cultural, ethnic, and racialised identities, gender sexual orientation, class and disability.
4. Landsberg, E., D. Kruger & N. Nel (Eds). (2005). Addressing barriers to learning : A South African perspective. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers.
5. Winkler,G., Dawber, A., Modise,M. All Children can Learn. Catholic Institute of Education.
6. Perspectives on Learning Difficulties: International Concerns and South African Realities
by Petra Engelbrecht and Susan Kriegler and Mariette Booysen
Softcover, Van Schaik Uitgewers, ISBN 0627021662 (0-627-02166-2)
7. Watermeyer,B.,Swartz, L., Lorenzo,T., Schneider, M., Priestley, M. (2006) Disability and Social Change: A South African Agenda. HSRC Press, Cape Town.
8. Engelbrecht,P, Green, L., Naicker, S, Engelbrecht, L. (1999) Inclusive Education in Action in South Africa. Pretoria: J L van Schaik
9. Alant, E. and Lloyd, LL (2005) Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Severe Disabilities: Beyond Poverty. Whurr Publishers, London and Philadelphia
10. Bester, Helena (2006) How to cope with AD/HD: A South African Guide for Parents, Teachers and Therapists. Human and Rossouw, Cape Town.
11. Donald, D., Lazarus, S. & Lolwana, P. (2007) (3rd Edition). Educational Psychology in Social Context. Cape Town:Oxford University Press. (Published in February)