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School Success Stories

1. At the recent SAALED Conference in Johannesburg Ms Gugu Masondo, the Principal of Nokukhanya Primary School, presented a paper on how her school transformed itself into an inclusive/full-service school over the past 8 years, embodying the ideals of schools as centres of care and support for the whole community. Read her speech "Becoming an Inclusive School in Rural KwaZulu Natal" .

2. The Department of Education is compiling a list of schools that have demonstrated best practice in inclusive education. We know that this list is not comprehensive and that there are many more schools that deserve to be added. We would like to invite schools to submit their details, motivating why their names should also be added to the list. To view the List of Schools with Best Inclusive Practice, click here.

Send in your story!!! All schools that consider themselves to be on the road towards inclusive education are invited to upload their stories on the Inclusive Education Learning Space. To do this follow these steps:

1. Register on the Inclusive Education Learning Space

2. Open the "Upload Resources" Tab and follow the steps to upload your story and your pictures.

3. If you prefer, you can also send your story to Marie Schoeman, Inclusive Education Learning  pace manager at