1. E. G.Iriarte, R. Gilligan and McConkey, R. (Eds.), Disability and human rights: Global perspectives. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
2. Booth, T and Ainscow, A. (2006) Index for inclusion: developing learning and participation in schools. CSIE
The Index for Inclusion is a set of materials to guide schools through a process of inclusive school development. It is about building supportive communities and fostering high achievement for all staff and students.
3. McConkey, R (ed.) (2001) Understanding and Responding to Children’s Needs in Inclusive Classrooms: A Guide for Teachers. UNESCO
4. Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments
Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok. 2004, 7 booklets (revised September 2005)
ISBN 92-9223-032-8
5. Website of the Enabling Education Network. Sharing information on good inclusion practice in the developing countrieshttp://www.eenet.org.uk/ Website of the Western Cape Department of Education, Section on Inclusive Education
6. Rieser, R. (2008) Implementing Inclusive Education: A Commonwealth Guide to Implementing Article 24 of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. An extremely valuable contribution to the literature on the practice of inclusive education - probably the first that shows how the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities can be implemented. The book which comes with two excellent DVDs can be ordered from Disability Equality in Education at e mail info@diseed.org.uk or online at www.diseed.org.uk
at £15.00 plus £5 postage
7. Perner, D. (2004) Changing teaching practices: using curriculum differentiation to respond to students' diversity. UNESCO, Paris. Download document in English by clicking here
8. Booth, T. and Black-Hawkins, K. (2001) Developing Learning and Participation in Countries of the South: The Role of an Index for Inclusion, Paris: UNESCO.