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DANIDA Project


The Resource and Educator Development Programme: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System was the first national Inclusive Education Pilot Programme in South Africa. It was coordinated by the Department of Education and DANIDA (The Danish International Development Agency) between 2000 and 2003. 

The Final Report on the End-Term National Quality Evaluation (See full report below) provides valuable insights into what implementation of Inclusive Education would entail in the South African context - what are the challenges, what works and what we have learnt from the pilot programme. The Department of Education built the next phase of implementation in 2004 - 2009 on the findings of this pilot.

Good Practice Booklet 

At the end of the project conducted in Nort-West, Eastern Cape and KwaZulu Natal, the success stories were captured in a booklet with the title: Implementing Inclusive Education in South Africa: True Stories we Can Learn From.

Final Report 

The Final Report of the Department of Education/DANIDA Pilot Project in Inclusive Education was presented to the Department in 2003

Chapter 1: The Introduction to the Final Report of the Department of Education/Danida Project entitled: Resource and Training Programme for Educator Development: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System

Chapter 2: The Report on the pilot in the Eastern Cape

Chapter 3: The Report on the pilot in KwaZulu Natal

Chapter 4: The Report on the pilot in North West Province

Chapter 5: The National Overview Report brings together the findings of the evaluation in the three pilot provinces

Chapter 6: Learning from 'good practice'

Chapter 7: Indicators for Inclusive Education

Chapter 8: Key Recommendations

Appendix A: The Research Team

Appendix B: Questionnaire for Teachers

Appendix C: Interview Schedule for Project Support and Management Teams

Appendix D: The Terms of Reference for the Evaluation of the Training Modules and Materials (June 2002)