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Choosing a School

The right of every child to be included and to get support.

“ Every learner can learn, but every learner needs support. Schools are responsible for creating the conditions for learners to feel welcome and to participate in all its activities” 

  • Every child has a right to learn with his peers in a school closest to his home. This includes children with disabilities, learning difficulties or developmental delays or any other condition which may cause a barrier to learning.

  • Furthermore, every child also has a right to be supported at school to develop his/her full potential, irrespective of his/her abilities, learning styles, home background or language.

  • All teachers should be trained to identify barriers to learning and to address them in the most appropriate way. A child does not necessarily need to move to another school to obtain the support that he/she needs.

  • Every school should have an Institution-level Support Team (ILST) which is responsible for consulting with the parent or caregiver on the child's support needs and to coordinate support for him/her at the school.

  • In consultation with the parent, the ILST fills in the Support Needs Assessment for the learner and initiates the process for deciding how and where his/her needs can best be met - always taking into consideration that inclusion is the preferred option.

  • It is only when all measures have been explored to support the learner in the local neighbourhood school, that the District-based Support Team can approve that a learner is admitted to a special school which offers a programme which specialises in his/her needs.

  • Only learners with very high support needs may be admitted to special schools.

  • No learner may be admitted to a special school without the approval of the District-based Support Team.

If you would like to find the appropriate special school for your child, please consult the National List of Special Schools.