Certification is the formal recognition of a full qualification or subject achieved by a candidate. Where a candidate has met the minimum requirements for awarding the qualification, the National Senior Certificate will be issued. Where a candidate has not met the minimum requirement for the award of the qualification a subject statement for one or more subjects will be issued. Once a candidate has obtained the minimum credits for the award of the certificate, such a candidate can apply for the combination of the subject credits for the award of the National Senior Certificate.
After the release of results, candidates who have sat for the examination will receive statements of results. Higher Education Institutions do accept the statement of results as a valid document for registration, prior to the issuing of the certificate by Umalusi. The statement of results is also acceptable for entry to the workplace.
For more information, click here to download or view a document on how to apply for a certificate.
Application Forms
Acknowledgement Authentication of school qualifications
Application For Change/Correction of personal particulars
Senior certificate-statement application
Application for a replacement certificate: standard's 5,6,7,8,9,10 (practical), teachers And certified statement
Lost Certificate: Applying For Re-issue
How to apply
This procedure might slightly differ from province to province, so please check with your provincial department first.
To apply for a copy of your matric certificate, you have to fill out an application form, accompanied by an affidavit, both of which you can download here or get from any of the folowing examination sections of provincial departments:
National office : |
(012) 357 3256 |
Western Cape : |
(021) 467 2000 |
KwaZulu Natal : |
(031) 327 0538/0331 |
Gauteng : |
(011) 355 0588 |
North West : |
(018) 384 3100/51 |
Eastern Cape : |
(043) 604 7709/73 |
Northern Cape : |
(053) 839 6585 |
Mpumalanga : |
(013) 766 0006/7 |
Limpopo : |
(015) 290 7747/7830 |
Supporting Documentation
A certified copy of your ID document / Birth Certificate must be attached to the application form.
How long does the process take?
The Statement of results is obtainable immediately after you have made a request and a copy of a matric certificate takes 8 to 10 weeks.
Note: Fees change annually.