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Most of the third term should be dedicated to finalise the PAT and to let learners practise their skills with regard to the application packages and prepare them for the November examinations. I have uploaded the Free State Grade 12 mid-year exam paper so that you could have additional papers that your learners could use to practise. 

Free State Mid-year Papers

Grade 12 June08 Paper1  Eng Graad 12 Junie08 Vraestel1  Afr Mark Sheet and Data Files

Limpopo Mid-year Papers

Grade 11 June08 Paper1 Grade 11 June08 Paper2 Link to papers and memos
Grade 10 June08 Paper1 Grade 10 June08 Paper2
 KwaZulu-Natal June08 papers
Grade 10 June08 Paper1 Grade 10 June08 Data Files Grade 10 June08 Paper2
Grade 11 June08 Paper1 Grade 11 June08 Data Files Grade 11 June08 Paper2
Grade 12 June08 Paper1 Grade 12 June08 Data Files Grade 12 June08 Paper2
 Study Opportunities June08 papers
Graad 12 Junie08 Vraestel 1 Graad 12 Junie08 Vraestel 2 Memo
Grade 12 June08 Paper 1 Grade 12 June08 Paper 2 Data Files


 Eastern Cape exemplar papers 2008

Grade 12 June08 Paper 1 Grade 12 June08 Data Files Grade 12 June08 Paper 2
Grade 12 Junie08 Vraestel 1 Grade 12 June08 Datalêers Grade 12 Junie08 Vraestel 2
Please note: The content of all the papers should be compared to the content in Learning Programme Guidelines (Annexure A) .

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Learners should know their applications well and should not search through menu options when they need to complete practical questions. They should work productively and efficiently.
Learners should also not waste time on things that they cannot immediately get right. They should rather continue with the next question (as questions in exam papers should not be dependent on previous questions) and rather come back at the end to attempt these. 
In completing an exam paper, they should start with the application that they know best and will have less difficulty with.

By the time they are in Grade 12, learners need to be proficient at skills they have honed from grade 10 and 11.
For example, a grade 12 learner should not be spending an inordinate amount of time on "mechanicals", tasks such as setting tabs in a document or a primary key in a database table. One of the aims of the subject is for them to be able to work confidently, accurately and quickly through these types of tasks. This will allow them ample time to tackle some of the higher-order skills that might be required such as setting up more complex formulas in a spreadsheet.
The practical paper also provides for assessment (efficiency, productivity, etc) in that learners who are well versed in the features of the various packages and who can work efficiently will be able to work through the paper fairly quickly.



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When starting with Phase 2, read the article from Jamie McKenzie regarding Searching for the Grail and Finding Good Information on the Net to prepare learners for phase 2.

The learners should answer the following questions for phase 2:

  • Where will I find the information that will answer my questions / help me solve the problem? I.e. in a magazine, on the Internet, etc.
  • How will I find the information that will answer my questions? I.e. what would my search strategy be? Identify keywords, advanced search tools, etc. I like Jamie's idea of giving them one good website or article to read about the topic first to start them thinking. As a matter of fact, this could be done when starting with phase 1.
  • What tools will I need to find some information? E.g. a questionnaire

Have a look at an example of what phase 2 could look like.


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Read how to make the most of Word and learn from a Microsoft MVP (most valueable person).

Shauna Kelly follows a professional approach.

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Did you know...?

the number of mouse clicks needed to format a heading in Word using direct formatting: 21

and if you use a style: 2


The CAT curriculum requires learners to use productive methods, procedures and techniques and this is a good example of using Word more effectively when you know how to work with styles.

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