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Touch-typing is a valuable skill for CAT learners to aquire. Have a look at the Keybording A-Z typing tool and lesson plans and see how you can fit that into the Grade 10 curriculum or the Grade 8 or 9 EMS curriculum.

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The value of textbooks in the classroom


Why should I use a textbook?

 The use of a good textbook will help you to improve your knowledge of the subject and therefore your teaching. A quality textbook will help you plan and will save you time when preparing for your classes. After presenting your lesson, if each learner has a texbook to work from, the learning is facilitated by the textbook and you are free to assist individual learners, giving help where needed. Using a good textbook will help learners to work at their own speed, encourage them to engage in additional and/or expanded activities. It will help them (and you in the end) to revise work done in class, at home by going through explanations and examples in the textbook and prepare for the next lessons. 


How will using a quality textbook assist me in planning for my subject?


  • Study the textbook
  • If it does not cover all the content, indicate where you will have to add notes
  • Design / Adapt your Work Schedule for the grade according to the textbook that you are using,
  • Include the required number of Programme of Assessment tasks per term as per Protocol (7 tasks as set out in the PoA - term 1: 1 test + 1 other task, etc.) according to the topics covered in the textbook and your Work Schedule that you designed / adapted according to the textbook.
  • Design your Annual Assessment Plan using the Programme of Assessment tasks indicated in your Work Schedule
  • Prepare your lessons and indicate daily assessment by referring to and use appropriate activities / exercises in the textbook (add some of your own if you prefer)


 This way you will be sure that you have covered the content for the year and that your learners will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills. 


How do I choose a quality textbook?



  • Get hold of as many approved textbooks as you can. Ask for inspection copies from publishers.
  • Study the textbook
  • Compare the content in the textbook to the content provided in the Content Framework in the Learning Programme Guidelines (Annexure A) and make sure that it covers the suggested content.
  • Make sure that
    • topics are properly introduced i.e. some background knowledge is provided;
    • the content is at the right level for the grade; and
    • the content is properly scaffolded i.e. gradually introduces learners to more difficult concepts.
  • Look very carefully at the activities / exercises provided:
    • Do the activities address the content covered / discussed in the preceeding text?
    • Are the activities scaffolded i.e. guide learners to master the conceptual knowledge learnt, to applying the knowledge?
    • Will the activities / excercises help learners to answer question papers?
    • Are there enough activities / exercises for you to choose from and for learners to do so that drilling and learning will take place?

What is a good texbook?

 A good textbook is like a work of art. It is the sum of a group of inspired leaders in their field of expertise. It is beautiful to behold and lends itself to inspiring interest in and exploration in the subject. It also provides a foundation for the teacher to build upon(Dr Pam Miller) 


Approved texbooks for Computer Applications Technology




Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
BitaByte Kreatiewe Rekenaarstoepassingstegnologie Prakties en Teorie Deel 1 Kreatiewe Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Prakties en Teorie Deel 2 Kreatiewe Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Deel 3 Prakties en Teorie Afrikaans
Creative Computer Applications Technology Practical and Theory Part 1 Creative Computer Applications Technology Practical and Theory Part 2 Creative Computer Applications Technology Part 3 Practical and Theory English
Maskew Miller Longman Focus on Computer Applications Technology Focus on Computer Applications Technology Grade 11 Learner's Book + CD-ROM Focus on Computer Applications Technology English
Nasou Via Afrika (Pty) LTD   OBE for FET Computer Applications Technology OBE for FET Computer Applications Technology English
OBE Publishers (Pty) Ltd   OBE Rekenaargebruikstegnologie Leerdersboek Graad 11   Afrikaans
OBE Computer Applications Technology Grade 10 OBE Computer Applications Technology Learner's Book Grade 11   English
Study Opportunities Rekenaars, deel van jou lewe  -  Boek 1; 'n Handboek vir Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie; Tweede uitgawe Rekenaars, deel van jou lewe – boek 2; 'n Handboek vir Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Rekenaars, deel van jou lewe – Boek 3; 'n Handboek vir Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Afrikaans
Computers, part of your life  -  Book 1; A textbook for Computer Applications Technology; Second edition Computers, part of your life - book 2; A textbook for Computer Applications Technology Computers, part of your life – Book 3; A textbook for Computer Applications Technology English


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