Phase 1 of the PAT is where learners have to re-phrase what needs to be done using their own words, highlight the essence of the task and identify the information that they will need to solve the problem by posing relevant questions. I took phase 1 and completed an example for phase 1 to try and illustrate what is expected. I added comments to try to clarify the issues that I have picked up. Please note that this phase in not something that is exact and that a teacher will have to read the learner’s work and make a final judgement based on what is submitted. Read More »
Phase 1 of the PAT is where learners have to re-phrase what needs to be done using their own words, highlight the essence of the task and identify the information that they will need to solve the problem by posing relevant questions.
I took phase 1 and completed an example for phase 1 to try and illustrate what is expected. I added comments to try to clarify the issues that I have picked up.
Please note that this phase in not something that is exact and that a teacher will have to read the learner’s work and make a final judgement based on what is submitted.
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The PAT is a new experience for most Computer Applications Technology teachers. The PAT is about solving a problem - recognise a problem or a need - understand / analyse the problem - design/create a solution / make a decision applying techniques of information management (task definition, strategies to find information, find and use information, create/present) using application software (tools) (word processor, spreadsheets, database, presentation software, internet) Read More »
The PAT is a new experience for most Computer Applications Technology teachers.
The PAT is about