Welcome to the CAT screedosphere... the place where we can share views, opinions, thoughts, knowledge and resources.
Contact information:
National Department of Basic Education: Carina Labuscagne, Chief Education Specialist, Labuscagne.C@dbe.gov.za
Eastern Cape: Leo Makonano, Deputy Chief Education Specialist, aleopoldmakonano@gmail.com
Free State: Lehentse Seekoei, Deputy Chief Education Specialist, seekoeil@edu.fs.gov.za
Gauteng: Mohamed Ally, Deputy Chief Education Specialist, mohamed.ally@gauteng.gov.za
KwaZulu-Natal: Estelle Llewellyn, Senior Education Specialist, lewel@saol.com
Limpopo: Walter Kekana, Deputy Chief Education Specialist, mpapi1@yahoo.com
Mpumalanga: Denise van Wyk, Deputy Chief Education Specialist, d.vanwyk@education.mpu.gov.za
Northern Cape: Yvette Lourens, Senior Education Specialist, ylourens@ncpg.gov.za
North West: Mathews Varughese, Deputy Chief Education Specialist, mvarughese@nwpg.gov.za
Western Cape: Ighsaan Francis, Deputy Chief Eduction Specialist, ifrancis@pgwc.gov.za
Important documents:
Practical Assessment Tasks (PATs) - 2015
Examination Guidelines (CAPS)
Exemplar Papers (CAPS)
Previous Examination Papers
- Grade 12
- National Senior Certificate - Grade 12
- Provinces/Districts/Schools - Browse or search the blog entries
Support Material
Revision Guidelines
- Grade 12 | Graad 12
- Grade 11 | Graad 11
- Grade 10 | Graad 10