Despite timetabling being computerized, there's still manual planning that has to be done before information can be fed into the computer to compute the school timetable. Bear in mind also that there are still many of our rural schools that don't have electricity, let alone a computer. This is where this step-by-step series of Timetabling for the Beginner can be useful.
Knowledge is empowering. Therefore, we invite principals, educators, lecturers and students at Education Training Colleges, interested parents and other stakeholders keen to see a revival of education ethics in our schools, to become part of the process of Timetabling for the Beginner. These are compiled notes and activities to gorvern the beginner timetabler in the timetabling process.
Notes and Activities for the Beginner Timetabler: Part1
Notes and Activities for the Beginner Timetabler: Part2
Notes and Activities for the Beginner Timetabler: Part3