Economic and Management Sciences Grade 8 Book 1 Grade 8 Role of money Grade 8 History of money Grade 8 Functions of money Grade 8 Forms of money Grade 8 Forms and functions of money Grade 8 Money Grade 8 Key concepts Grade 8 The economic problem Grade 8 Imports and Exports Grade 8 Exports and Imports Grade 8 Banks in South Africa Grade 8 Banking: Investment Grade 8 Banks Grade 8 Unlimited wants and limited resources: scarcity Grade 8 Economic Systems: Communism Grade 8 Economic Systems: Capitalism Grade 8 Economic Systems: Mixed Economy Grade 8 Trade Unions Grade 8 History and Role of Trade Unions Grade 8 Trade Unions in South Africa Grade 8 Trade Unions: rights and responsibilities Grade 8 Inflation Grade 8 Understanding Inflation Grade 8 Measuring Inflation Grade 8 Reasons for Inflation Grade 8 Economic cycle Grade 8 Economic inequalities Grade 8 Concepts on economic growth and development Grade 8 The National budget Grade 8 Characteristics of the National budget Grade 8 The National budget and economic growth Grade 8 The Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 8 Principles of the Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 8 Goals of the Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 8 Stimulating the Economy through the Reconstruction and Development Programme Grade 8 Reconstruction and Development Programme: Housing Grade 8 Savings and Investment Grade 8 Savings plan Grade 8 Saving at a bank Grade 8 Investing in a business Grade 8 Investment and the average household Grade 8 Technology in the household Grade 8 Productivity Grade 8 Productivity and Technology Grade 8 Benefits of Technology Grade 8 Technology, economic growth and development Grade 8 Sustainable growth and Development Grade 8 Accounting concepts Grade 8 Assets and Liabilities Grade 8 Financial concepts Grade 8 The Accounting equation Grade 8 Recording Accounts Grade 8 Assets and Liabilities: Households Grade 8 Leadership and Management styles Grade 8 Leadership strategies Grade 8 Investment Strategies Grade 8 Management concepts Grade 8 Leadership and Management strategies in investment Grade 8 Investments Grade 8 Source documents in a business Grade 8 Source documents Grade 8 Source documents: Invoices Grade 8 Source documents: Receipts Grade 8 Source documents: Deposit slips
Economic and Management Sciences Grade 8 Book 2 Grade 8 Cash Receipts and Cash Payments Journals Grade 8 Statement of Receipts and Payments - Cash Book Grade 8 Accounting Concepts: Cash Receipts and Payments Grade 8 Computers Grade 8 Word: word processing Grade 8 Keyboard functions Grade 8 Computers: Hardware Grade 8 Using Word Grade 8 Using Word: designs Grade 8 Computer skills Grade 8 Computer skills: practical Grade 8 Accounting concepts Grade 8 Networth and wealth Grade 8 Understanding networth Grade 8 Interpreting networth statements Grade 8 Statement of networth: Business Grade 8 Savings and Investments Grade 8 Calculating Interest Grade 8 Forms of Savings Grade 8 Investing in Shares Grade 8 Retirement investments Grade 8 Jobs, careers and planning Grade 8 Structures of organisation (organogram) Grade 8 Category/Levels of work Grade 8 Remuneration Grade 8 Job responsibilities/descriptions Grade 8 Career planning Grade 8 Accounting: practical activity Grade 8 Entrepreneurship Grade 8 Promoting entrepreneurship Grade 8 Formal and Informal sectors Grade 8 Formal and Informal businesses Grade 8 Types of entrepreneurship Grade 8 Entrepreneurship: case studies Grade 8 Entrepreneurship in the Informal sector Grade 8 Entrepreneurship in the Formal sector Grade 8 Commercial banks and entrepreneurship Grade 8 Entrepreneur and government Grade 8 Business activities in the Economic sectors Grade 8 Franchising Grade 8 Successful entrepreneurs Grade 8 Forms of ownership Grade 8 Franchising: How it works Grade 8 Business ideas Grade 8 Service businesses Grade 8 Service Businesses: Tourism industry Grade 8 Tourism industry Grade 8 Informal sectors in developing countries Grade 8 Forms of ownership Grade 8 Informal business sector in South Africa Grade 8 The sole trader Grade 8 Informal businesses in the community Grade 8 Forms of ownership in the Formal sector Grade 8 Forms of ownership in the Formal and Informal sector Grade 8 Characteristics of forms of ownership Grade 8 Start-up and running costs Grade 8 Cost calculations Grade 8 Business ideas in Manufacturing Grade 8 Purchasing materials Grade 8 The production process Grade 8 Marketing Grade 8 Entrepreneural skills and knowledge Grade 8 Economic cycle, sustainable growth and development and financial skills