Grade 8 Logo design Grade 8 Script writing Grade 8 Careers in Drama Grade 8 Careers in Visual Arts Grade 8 Careers in Dance Grade 8 Careers in Music Grade 8 Performing poetry, prose and drama Grade 8 Dance drama for Human Rights Grade 8 Performing African fables Grade 8 Dramatic crossword puzzle Grade 8 Writing a script for stories Grade 8 Creating illustrations Grade 8 Elements of colour Grade 8 Music terminology Grade 8 Characterisation Grade 8 Photographic documentation Grade 8 Elements of line Grade 8 Collage and montage Grade 8 Art movement of Cubism Grade 8 Traditional dance Grade 8 Waste and art Grade 8 The importance of copyright Grade 8 Stereotyping in drama Grade 8 Starting a school radio station Grade 8 Rich and poor in music